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Google Scholar Tips

Tips and tricks for using Google Scholar efficiently

Google Alerts

Keeping you automatically notified of new publications

Before searching
1. Define your topic in precise words
2. Avoid words with multiple meanings
3. Translate words in other relevant languages

Collect new keywords, while searching

How to create an alert
1. Choose Google Alerts
2. Type your keywords
3. Click "Show options" to select:
- frequency (as-it-happens, once a day, once a week)
- sources (blogs, news, videos, books...)
- language
- region
- all or only the best results
- email or RSS feed delivery

3. Enter your email address
4. Click the "Create Alert" button
5. A confirmation email has been sent; click the link to activate the alert

Set up one alert per subject.
Use operators to improve efficiency

Google Scholar Alerts

What for?
- To stay up to date on a topic of interest
- To track the citations to a specific author or article
- To be notified when your work or name appears in a new publication

How to create an alert
1. Go to Google Scholar
2. Top left, click on
3. Select the envelope icon
4. Enter your email address
5. Type your keywords
6. Click the "Create Alert" button