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Geneva Graduate Institute Repository

Policies and rules of the Geneva Graduate Institute repository

Content Policy

The Geneva Graduate Institute's repository is an institutional repository. Its purpose is to host and preserve the research produced by the Geneva Graduate Institute and its professors.

It contains:

  • Records and full-text files (where available) of the books, book chapters, journal articles, working papers, conference papers written by professors and researchers of the Geneva Graduate Institute
  • Records and full-text files of the working papers produced by departments and research centres of the Geneva Graduate Institute
  • Records and full-text files of PhD theses and master's theses
  • Records of theses in progress, once the MPT (mémoire préliminaire de thèse) has been completed.

Main languages of the documents: English and French.

Metadata Policy

Access and re-use of metadata for non-commercial purposes is free without prior permission.

Data Policy

  • Some full-text files are open access and can be accessed by anyone.
  • Some files are in restricted access, available only to the Geneva Graduate Institute community; they may not be distributed to anyone outside the Institute.
  • Some files are private, and cannot be accessed by anyone.
  • There may be a temporary embargo on the full-text of some documents.
  • Open-access files may be used without prior permission for research, educational or not-commercial purposes, provided that the authors, title and full metadata are cited, a hyperlink and/or URL to the original metadata page is provided, and the content is not altered in any way.
  • Full-text documents may not be sold in any format or medium without formal permission from the copyright holders.

Submission Policy

  • Records can only be deposited by members of the Geneva Graduate Institute community.
  • Records are added to the repository after validation by an authorised person.
  • Full-text files will not be made publicly available until any embargo period has expired.
  • If the Geneva Graduate Institute repository receives evidence of copyright infringement, access to the file will be restricted immediately.

Preservation Policy

  • Records are retained indefinitely.
  • The repository administrators of the Geneva Graduate Institute will attempt to ensure continued accessibility and readability, by migrating items to new file formats if necessary.
  • Authors/depositors are encouraged not to password protect their document in order to facilitate the long-term preservation and access.
  • Records will not be removed from the repository of the Geneva Graduate Institute (except for mémoires préliminaires de thèses).
  • Metadata may be corrected if necessary.
  • An updated version may be deposited if necessary.
  • If the Geneva Graduate Institute repository is closed, the database will be transferred to another appropriate archive.