Treaty Series: Treaties and International Engagements Registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations = Recueil des traités : traités et engagements internationaux enregistrés par le Secrétariat de la Société des Nations (1927-1946)
Text of the treaties in the original language, English and French translations. Chronological and alphabetical Indexes.
REF.(094.2) HEIA 1288
REF.(094.2) HEIA 14965 (index)
League of Nations Treaty Series Online Collection
Treaty Series: Treaties and International Agreements Registered or Filed and Recorded with Secretariat of the United Nations = Recueil des traités : traités et accords internationaux enregistrés ou classés et inscrits au répertoire au Secrétariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies (1946/47-)
More than 2400 published volumes (more than 150’000 treaties). Text of the treaties in their original language, English and French translations. Chronological and alphabetical indexes.
(New York: UN, 1946-)
REF.(094.2) HEIA 1300
REF.(094.2) HEIA 5555 (index)
United Nations Treaty Series Online Collection
Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary General = Traités multilatéraux déposés auprès du Secrétaire general
Annual publication providing information on the status of treaties deposited with the United Nations (signature, ratification, objections, …).
(New York: UN, 1982-)
341.123(083.86) HEIA 5189 (eng)
341.123(083.86) HEIA 5185 (fre)
Encyclopedia of the United Nations and international agreements / E.S. Osmánczyk
Acronyms and names of organizations, treaties and meetings.
(New York; London: Routledge, 2003 (3rd ed., 4 vol.))
341.123(031) HEIA 29700