This is the first of Chicago's two citation systems. Bibliographic citations are given in notes (footnotes or endnotes), with or without a full bibliography at the end of the text.
First Name Last Name or Institution, Title: Subtitle; Second subtitle. Edition (if not the first). Volume, total number of volumes if multivolume work is referred to as a whole, or number of the volume cited. Title of the volume, if applicable. Series title, and volume number within series if series is numbered (Publisher, year of publication), Page number(s) if applicable.
Andrew Clapham, War. Clarendon Law Series. (Oxford University Press, 2021), 56-68.
Last Name, First Name or Institution. Title: Subtitle; Second subtitle. Edition. Series title and volume number within series. Publisher, date of publication.
Example 1
Clapham, Andrew. War. Clarendon Law Series. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Example 2 (the author is an institution)
World Trade Organization. A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Example 3 (multiple authors)
Note: First Name Last Name Author 1 and First Name Last Name Author 2.
Bibliography: Last Name, First Name Author 1 and First Name Last Name Author 2.
The name of the first author is inverted in the bibliography, because the references are arranged alphabetically.
Graeber David and David Wengrow. The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity. Allen Lane, 2021.
If there are more than 3 authors, all names are usually given in the bibliography. In a note, only the name of the first author is included, followed by “et al.” with no intervening comma.
Example 4 (editor in place of author)
Use the abbreviation ed. or eds:
Reuchamps Min, Julien Vrydagh and Yanina Welp, eds., De Gruyter Handbook of Citizens' Assemblies. Citizens' Assemblies and Mini-Publics 1. De Gruyter, 2023.
The citation must follow the general recommendations for citing books. If the book as been consulted online, add a DOI (preferably) or a URL. For downloadable ebooks: PDFs generally match the printed book, so it is not necessary to specify the format. Reflowable formats such as EPUB or Amazon Kindle need to be mentioned, as they may be differ from the print version.
Examples (bibliography):
Reuchamps Min, Julien Vrydagh and Yanina Welp, eds., De Gruyter Handbook of Citizens' Assemblies. Citizens' Assemblies and Mini-Publics 1. De Gruyter, 2023.
Obama, Michelle, Becoming, Crown, 2018. Kindle
First Name, Last Name, "Title of chapter," in Title of the book: Subtitle, Book editor(s). Edition. Series title (Publisher, date of publication), Page number(s) if applicable.
Neil Cooper, "Peaceful Warriors and Warring Peacemakers," in Peacebuilding: Volume II, Peacebuilding and Development: The Challenges of Security, Welfare, Justice and the Rule of Law, eds. Vincent Chetail and Oliver Jütersonke. Critical Concepts in Political Science (Routledge, 2015), 115.
Last Name, First Name. "Title of chapter." In Title of the book: Subtitle, Book editor(s). Edition. Series title. Publisher, date of publication.
Cooper, Neil. "Peaceful Warriors and Warring Peacemakers." In Peacebuilding: Volume II, Peacebuilding and Development: The Challenges of Security, Welfare, Justice and the Rule of Law, edited by Vincent Chetail and Oliver Jütersonke. Critical concepts in Political science. Routledge, 2015.
First Name Last Name, "Title of article," Title of periodical volume, issue number (date of publication): page reference, URL or DOI.
David D. Gow, "Anthropology and Development: Evil Twin Or Moral Narrative?" Human Organization 61, no. 4 (2002): 302,
Last Name, First Name. "Title of article." Title of periodical volume, issue number (date of publication): page range. URL or DOI.
Gow, David D. "Anthropology and Development: Evil Twin Or Moral Narrative?" Human Organization 61, no. 4 (2002): 299-313.
Arabic numerals are used even if the journal itself uses Roman numerals. Neither month nor season is necessary if the issue number is given.
First Name Last Name, "Title of thesis" (Kind of thesis, Academic institution, year). Page reference.
Sabine Hoffmann, "Urban water and wastewater management in Cochabamba (Bolivia): an ecological and institutional analysis" (PhD diss., Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2010). 93-100.
Hoffmann, Sabine. "Urban water and wastewater management in Cochabamba (Bolivia): an ecological and institutional analysis". PhD diss., Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2010.
If the document was consulted online, include a URL.
Author (physical, if known, or institution), "Title of the paper." Series (Publishing institution, Place of publication, Date). URL.
International Crisis Group, "Myanmar: Storm Clouds on the Horizon." Asia Report n°238 (International Crisis Group, 12 November 2012).
Author. "Title of the paper." Series, Publishing institution, Place of publication, Date. URL.
Evenett, Simon J., and Johannes Fritz. "The Tide Turns? Trade, Protectionism and Slowing Global Growth." The 18th Global Trade Report, CEPR Press, 12 November 2015.
Citations of unpublished interviews that are part of the research process should include: the names of both the person being interviewed and the interviewer; brief identifying information, if appropriate; the place and/or date of the interview; the location of the transcript or recording.
Mfundishi Maasi (cofounder, Black Community Defense and Development), in discussion with the author, March 2013. Transcript available on request.
If the person interviewed must remain anonymous:
Interview with health-care worker, June 15, 2024.
If the bibliography includes all the works cited in the notes, the notes citations may be shortened. Subsequent citations to sources already given in full should be shortened wherever possible. The most common abbreviation consists of the author's surname and the main title of the cited work, usually abbreviated if it is longer than four words.
1. Jean-Paul Gourévitch, La France en Afrique: cinq siècles de présence; vérités et mensonges (Paris: Acropole, 2006).
2. Gourévitch, La France en Afrique, 54-62.