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How to Search for Sources and Manage Them

How to develop a search strategy

Search Techniques

Gain in efficiency by searching the open Web, library catalogues and databases in a structured manner:

  • Exploit the boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT
    e.g. mexico NOT city
  • Combine synonyms or alternate words
    e.g. war OR conflict
    e.g. globalisation OR globalization
    e.g. khrushchev OR khrouchtchev
    e.g. AIDS OR Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • Use truncation and wildcards: *, $, [ ], !, -, #
    e.g. child* = child, children, childhood
    e.g. wom!n = woman, women
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases
    e.g. "urban violence"
  • Use the proximity and adjacency operators: Nn (N = near), Wn (W = within), ADJn (ADJ = adjacency)
    e.g. tax N5 reform = tax reform, tax that has been submitted for reform
    e.g. Hillary W2 Clinton = Hillary Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton
    e.g. civil ADJ rights = civil rights

Internet, catalogues and databases work differently so you need to adapt your search technique for each.

Too Few / Too Many Results?

A trial and error approach is part of the job.


  • Find more generic keywords
  • Use fewer search terms
  • Use synonyms
  • Use OR between terms
  • Search all fields
  • Avoid limiters (date, format)
  • Broaden your topic

A trial and error approach is part of the job.


  • Find more specific keywords
  • Add more search terms
  • Do not use wildcard and truncation to include variations of your search terms
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases
  • Use AND between terms
  • Combine search fields (title, abstract, subject fields)
  • Use limiters (date, format)
  • Narrow down your topic


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  • specific search strategies in databases
  • citations to specific publications or authors
  • new publications by specific authors
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