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How to Search for Sources and Manage Them

How to develop a search strategy


© Photo by LubosHouska, pixabay license

Where to search?

  • Swisscovery
    The Library catalogue for electronic and physical resources
    Register with your Switch edu-ID to access the Library's licensed materials and collect references on your profile

    On the results page:
    Under "Resource Type", select "Book Chapters", "Books", "Ebooks"

Get further:

Where to search?

  • Google Books

    Read, download, or preview books. If you find a book you want to read, you might be able to read it on Google Books, buy it online, or borrow it from a library.
    Check out Google Books Search Tips

    Tip: Some e-books are provided by publishers, while others are scanned as part of the Library Project
    Important: Some of these features might not be available on mobile devices

Damn, We Do Not Have Access to This Book

As long as there is life, there is hope:


  • Request the book through Swisscovery Courier if it is available in another library (free service for members of the Geneva Graduate Institute community).
  • If you are in Switzerland, check Library Genesis.
    Under Swiss law, it is legal to use published documents for private use, even if they have been unlawfully made available on the Internet. "Private use" includes reading and citing the documents for research, but it is illegal to redistribute these documents to other persons. If you are abroad, national regulations apply.

Get further:

Pitch Perfect

When you have found a relevant book, use it as a reference and consider:

  • the author
  • works cited in the article
  • the bibliography
  • works citing the book