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Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

Interlibrary loan service

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Cannot find the document you are looking for in Swisscovery? Request an interlibrary loan:

  1. Go to Swisscovery and sign in with your Switch edu-ID account:

  2. In the top banner, click on "...":

  3. Open the "Interlibrary Loan" form:

  4. Enter the details of the document you require as accurately as possible. The "pickup location / preferred location" field will be filled in automatically:

  5. Click on the button "Send Request".
  6. You will be notified by email when the ordered document is available.


  • ILL delivery times vary a great deal, from a few days to sometimes a few weeks.
  • The lending library sets the duration and conditions and an interlibrary loan is generally not renewable
  • Fees for late return still apply.


Requester Provenance of the document Book Article or chapter
Member of the Geneva Graduate Institute community All provenances, pick up at the Geneva Graduate Institute Library desk Free* Free*
SLSP Libraries, Mail delivery at home or work address** 12 CHF 5 CHF***
External user SLSP Libraries, via Swisscovery Courier, pick up at the Geneva Graduate Institute Library desk 8 CHF 5 CHF***
SLSP Libraries, Mail delivery at home or work address** 12 CHF
Switzerland 12 CHF
Europe 24 CHF 8 CHF***


United Kingdom and other countries 36 CHF

* Provided that the order has been made according to the procedures explained above
** Service available at some SLSP institutions
*** Up to 50 pages


  • A fee of 10 CHF is charged for any non-collected request.