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Research Data Management

A guide on managing, organising, sharing and preserving research data

International Love Data Week 2024 - 12-16 February 2024

Love Data Week is an international effort to promote open data and good research data management practices in universities and research organisations. Workshops and talks are organised around the world, many of which are online and accessible to you!

  • Swiss Programme
  • International Programme
  • IHEID Programme
    • Introduction to research data management (Mon 10/02, 12:15-13:00)
    • Data management plans for SNSF and ERC projects (Mon 10/02, 13:15-14:00)
    • Research data organisation - Good practices for the social sciences (Tue 11/02, 12:15-13:00)
    • Storing live research data at the Geneva Graduate Institute (Tue 11/02, 13:15-14:00)
    • Digital security for social science researchers (Thu 13/02, 12:15-13:00)
    • Data anonymisation for qualitative and quantitative researchers (Thu 13/02, 12:15-13:00)
    • Sharing your research as open data on a FAIR repository (Fri 14/02, 13:15-14:00)

Research Data at the Geneva Graduate Institute

Do you have a question or wish to set up an appointment? Are you looking for hands-on support to prepare your data for publication?
Please contact us:

The research data team includes people with different skills:

  • Guillaume Pasquier from the Library can help with everything related to data management plans, data preservation, metadata, and data sharing.
  • Kristina Arseneau of the Research office is the specialist for everything related to ethics and specific grant processes (SNSF, ERC, etc.).
  • Céline Vilmen (Library) is our Data Protection Officer and can answer your questions related to legal aspects of data (copyright and personal data).

You can join our "IHEID Data Network" Webex channel to ask for support and share experiences. If this link does not work, just go to Messaging > Public > Explore Public Spaces and hit the "Join" button.

There is also a Community on Zenodo for our posters on open science and research data.

Trainings and Other Resources

Training @IHEID

Join one of our Research Data Management Workshops! These are usually 45-minute sessions on a specific aspect of research data management, with opportunities for discussions and questions.

Online training and documentation:

The UK Data Archive has also published a guide titled Managing and sharing research data: best practices for researchers (2011), and later an expanded book on the subjectManaging and sharing research data: a guide to good practice / Louise Corti et al. (Sage, 2014) ISBN 978-1-4462-6725-7.