Things you should know about the SNSF DMP
Are there standard answers I can use?
Yes and no. Answers can not be standard as each DMP relates to a specific dataset. We have however created an IHEID Template for the SNSF Data Management Plan based on the work of the EPFL and ETHZ libraries for the Swiss Data Life Cycle Management project (DLCM). It contains detailed explanations and examples related to the social sciences. We will try to offer additional examples in the future – any comment or suggestion is welcome!
What legal aspects should I be aware of?
Our colleague Céline Vilmen tells you all about legal aspects of research data (copyright, personal data...) in her libguide.
What about ethical aspects?
The Research Office has a checklist and guidelines you can check on their dedicated page.
How should I choose my file formats?
The ETHZ Library has created a handy list of recommended file formats that can apply to the social sciences too.
I will not use any data. Should I really fill a DMP?
In some specific fields (theoretical law, philosophy, etc.), you might not use data in any meaningful way, even with the definition we previously mentioned. The SNSF is aware of this and offers you the opportunity to explain why a DMP cannot be filled for your research.
Who can help?
You are not alone. The SNSF online form itself includes comments and additional questions to help you flesh out your answers. We can also help you write your DMP or offer feedback on your draft. If you have specific questions, you can simply contact us by e-mail:
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