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Research Data Management

A guide on managing, organising, sharing and preserving research data

Quantitative Research Tools

The Geneva Graduate Institute offers Stata licences on demand: request here.

R is a GNU (libre and open source) "language and environment for statistical computing and graphics". It is used by data scientists to wrangle with many different types of data. It can be used in conjunction with:

  • RStudio, a visual interface for R.
  • IHEIDDown: An R package to write and edit your dissertation, article or powerpoint directly in R, in a style compatible with IHEID standards, forked by prof. James Hollway (IR/PS department) and delegated to the Library.

Python is a popular programming language, also available under an open license, and widely used in data science.
Many different implementations and graphical interfaces exist, among which Anaconda:

LaTeX template for IHEID theses
A good complement to the previous tools, by Rémi Viné:

Qualitative Research Tools

The Geneva Graduate Institute has a site licence for students. You can request it here (you must be logged into your Graduate Institute Google account to access the form).

  • Please note that collaborative functionalities are not included.
  • We also have an education discount for academics. You can find more information on the intranet.

Dedoose is web-based qualitative research tool. You pay per active month (i.e. month during which you actually used the tool).

A free and light open-source alternative:

Transcription tools

Offline LLM/AI tools for transcription of sensitive data (require a powerful PC)

Online LLM/AI tools for interview transcription (more expensive and should not be used with sensitive data)

Tool for handwritten archives transcription

Other Tools

Audio File Size Calculator

LaTeX template for IHEID theses, by Rémi Viné: