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Detailed Procedure
- Step 1: Install Zotmoov. More about how to do this here.
- Step 2: Install Google Drive Desktop (or ask the Service Desk to do it if you have a Graduate Institute laptop)
Your Google Drive files now appear directly on your computer.

- Step 3: Create a Zotero folder in your Google Drive.
- Step 4: In the Zotero Settings, Sync tab, uncheck the Sync attachment files in My Library using Zotero option.

- Step 5: Select all your references in your Zotero library, right-click of the mouse and Zotmoov: Move Selected to Directory
- Step 6: Now you have a ZotMoov tab in your Zotero Settings. Select your Zotero Google Drive folder in the "Directory to Move/Copy Files to" field. Select Move as File Behavior, and check the Automatically Move/Copy Files When Added option. Select the File Extensions you want to allow (I choose to allow all formats because I also want to have the snapshots).