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Digital Skills Workshops for PhD Students (UNIGE and Geneva Graduate Institute)

Distinguish Yourself by your Researcher Profile - Thursday 12 March, 12h15-14h, room S4

Distinguish Yourself by your Researcher Profile (Linda Leger & Isabelle Vuillemin-Raval, 1h45)

For the past few decades we have been living with the concept of “publish or perish”, which expresses the pressure academics have to publish.  But now, we know that when a researcher has published, it doesn’t mean their job is done. With more publications available online, scholars have to work on their visibility. The creation of online researcher profiles is a good way to achieve it.

The goal of this workshop is to help you evaluate which platform corresponds to your needs, and to help you understand their impact and the opportunities they offer. We will discuss ORCID, Kudos, Google Scholar Citation profile, Academia, ResearchGate and SSRN author profile.

This workshop will be given by Linda Leger  (reference librarian at The Graduate Institute, in charge of the Development and Environment collection) and Isabelle Vuillemin-Raval (reference librarian at The Graduate Institute, in charge of the Sociology and Anthropology collection).  They work together on bibliometrics and research dissemination tools.

This workshop will take place on Thursday 12 March, 12h15-14h, room S4.

For any questions regarding registration to the workshop, please contact :