DS35, DS36, DS37 - Introduction to Network Analysis with Gephi
Martin Grandjean
This one-day workshop is an introduction to social network analysis. First, we will see the main concepts and applications of network analysis and visualization. We will then go through a step-by-step tutorial of Gephi, an open source software that is quite easy to learn. The third and last part of the day will allow us to look in more detail at the situations, objects and research data of the participants.
The workshops are structured to be taken one after the other.
Registration options: workshop DS35, workshops DS35 + DS36 or workshops DS35 + DS36 +DS37.
DS35 - Session 1 - Gephi: Introduction to network analysis and visualisation, Wednesday 30 November 2022, 09:00 - 11:00
Introduction to the very basics of graph theory, its history and its principles, with a reflection on the uses that disciplines can make of structural approaches and network analysis (and visualisation).
Prerequisite: none
DS36 - Session2 - Gephi: Network visualisation with Gephi, Wednesday 30 November 2022, 12:30 - 14:30
Step-by-step tutorial of Gephi to explore most of its features: data import, network visualisation, spatialisation algorithms and centrality metrics. Gephi is a very visual software, requiring no programming language, and promoting exploratory and intuitive use while producing very usable results.
Prerequisite: install Gephi (
www.gephi.org) on your personal laptop (the dataset will be provided).
DS37 - Session 3 - Gephi: Applying network analysis to your data, Wednesday 30 November 2022, 15:30 - 17:00
Discussion around the questions and subjects of the participants. Where is the network in my research? How to transform or extract data to make it usable for network analysis? How to model a complex situation while taking into account the multi-dimensionality of the subject, or its temporality?
Prerequisite: think about the possible applications of network analysis to your research object, if possible by bringing material (documents, sources, even very imperfect data) to present and discuss.
Martin Grandjean is a Junior Lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Lausanne and the EPFL. He teaches the history of international organisations and digital humanities. His research focuses in particular on the use of network analysis in the humanities and social sciences and is currently working on the archives of the League of Nations (UN Geneva). He is the co-chair of the Admissions Committee of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) and member of the board of the Historical Network Research Community (historicalnetworkresearch.org).
PhD students of the Graduate Institute will be informed of each workshop by email. For any questions regarding registration to the workshop, please contact: emma.cranfield@graduateinstitute.ch