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Digital Skills Workshops for PhD Students (UNIGE and Geneva Graduate Institute)

Designing an Online Survey - Friday-Saturday 1-2 May, 10:30-12:00, 13:30-15:00 CET. THIS WORKSHOP WILL TAKE PLACE ONLINE

Designing an Online Survey (Bugra Gungor)

Online surveys have become an important part of understanding individuals' attitudes and opinions on certain issues, thanks to its advantageous sides compared to face-to-face surveys like budgetary constraints, shorter completion period, elicitation of honest views, the inclusion of audio and visual elements and so on. Therefore, web surveys have been accepted as a significant tool through which the researchers explore public opinion from marketing studies to election polls.

The primary focus of the workshop is to teach participants how to come up with the best possible survey instruments for web-based data collection. The workshop will cover the impacts of design on measurement error in online survey; what is more, it will demonstrate practical examples in order to ensure maximum quality in data collection. Participants may bring their own projects to the workshop. The speaker will be using Qualtrics to illustrate various design issues.

Bugra Güngör is a PhD Candidate in International Relations and Political Science and Teaching Assistant in MINT programs at the Graduate Institute. He holds a MA in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from Sabanci University, Turkey. His research interests include political violence, identity complexity, and inter/intra group relations. He attended a summer school on "Web Survey Design" organized by the GESIS (Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Cologne, Germany) in August 2018. Besides, as a part of his dissertation, he has recently conducted an online survey experiment in the most and least competitive districts of Istanbul, Turkey.

This workshop will take place online on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 May, 10:30-12:00 and 13:30-15:00 .

For any questions regarding registration to the workshop, please contact :